Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My Very First SAM HILL

To my very first SAM HILL hanging, I am speechless. It was you who reached out to me, before this blog was even created even a thought, and it was because of you and your interest in my work that initially led me to starting this blog. Hey, if one person wants to buy my photos, why won't more? So I knew from the second you got in touch with me, with your interest in creating a piece of art using my photos, I had to put myself on the internet. And because of you, look how well my blog has prospered! Every adventure has a beginning, and you my friend, were at my side at my very beginning. And to you, I thank you from the deepest part of my heart. You will forever be my very first SAM HILL!

Peace Love & Endless Amounts of Happiness, 

From Me to You, 

Sam Hill



  1. Who is nooch? I love your first Sam Hill! I need a Sam Hill for my very own!! Great posting!

  2. great work... love the color scheme... keep it up!
