Such a rainy lazy day. Perfect for blogging!
As I sit and stare out the window at this terribly rainy day, Bob Dylan's Rainy Day Women # 12 & 35 comes to mind. I start blasting this mind blowing song, looking out the window, and ideas start streaming. I close my eyes and imagine myself in a bar underground, the year is 1966, dark shady and smokey, with one mic at the front, one awkwardly bright light shining on the lonely stool graciously waiting, and who else but Bob Dylan comes out with his tambourine and harmonica in hand, sparks up a duby, and starts by singing...
"Well, they'll stone you when you're trying to be so good,
They'll stone you just like they said they would,
They'll stone you when you're tryna go home,
Then they'll stone you when you're there all alone,
But I would not feel so all alone,
Fun little fact, 12x35 = 420
oh bob dylan
Can't help but think of some of my rainy day women...
A blog about my story and what brought me back to life to change the world.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
A Mid Day Post...
A little Mid Day treat for all you hard workers out there.
As I wonder through the city streets aimlessly, I can't help but constantly snap photos of things that I see, in my mind are awesome pictures. It's weird how it happens sometimes, I feel as though I almost see a picture before I even whip out my camera. I definitely have an eye for colors, and when I see interesting color contrasts my brain turns into photography mode. Just a little something for all my followers....
As I wonder through the city streets aimlessly, I can't help but constantly snap photos of things that I see, in my mind are awesome pictures. It's weird how it happens sometimes, I feel as though I almost see a picture before I even whip out my camera. I definitely have an eye for colors, and when I see interesting color contrasts my brain turns into photography mode. Just a little something for all my followers....
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Rando.. Like Lando Griffin, but with an R
Family Guy could easily be my favorite show.
Anyway, so it takes time for these ideas of mine to mix around and formulate in this idiosyncratic brain of mine. I love that word, idiosyncrasy.. individuality, oddity, peculiarity, fetish, UNCONVENTIONALITY. Inspiration to my ears. This word needs to not only be used more, but expressed more. Back to topic -- So when the idea hits, chills run vigorously up and down my body. When it hits, it hits. And from there, I find myself creating albums. I get visions of not just a picture, an idea at its entirety, in a split second, 10 in 1, and that is how these albums are created. I like it though because it organizes all my work for me, quite nicely. Creating portfolios. Where will this take me? I am totally curious. I guess only god knows for now, but we make plans, and god just laughs at us, so maybe nobody really knows...
SOO with no knew album for today, here are some pictures I've played around with, me just being silly and getting to know my camera inside and out. Remember I love distorted perspective, so I see things all the time that trigger these impulse pictures. I just feel an instant need to capture a moment, that when gone will never resurface. When I'm not taking pictures, I'm editing pictures, perfecting the best ones, I'm obsessed I can't stop if you asked me to, something is pulling at my constantly and for once in my life there is nothing in front of me to stop it... like in Donnie Darko (an American psychological thriller-fantasy film as its described) and Jake Gyllenhaal at his sexy young age, sees people's life direction through this vortex that protrudes out of everyone's chest, including his own. It's like gods given path, I feel like I'm following mine...
Anyway, so it takes time for these ideas of mine to mix around and formulate in this idiosyncratic brain of mine. I love that word, idiosyncrasy.. individuality, oddity, peculiarity, fetish, UNCONVENTIONALITY. Inspiration to my ears. This word needs to not only be used more, but expressed more. Back to topic -- So when the idea hits, chills run vigorously up and down my body. When it hits, it hits. And from there, I find myself creating albums. I get visions of not just a picture, an idea at its entirety, in a split second, 10 in 1, and that is how these albums are created. I like it though because it organizes all my work for me, quite nicely. Creating portfolios. Where will this take me? I am totally curious. I guess only god knows for now, but we make plans, and god just laughs at us, so maybe nobody really knows...
SOO with no knew album for today, here are some pictures I've played around with, me just being silly and getting to know my camera inside and out. Remember I love distorted perspective, so I see things all the time that trigger these impulse pictures. I just feel an instant need to capture a moment, that when gone will never resurface. When I'm not taking pictures, I'm editing pictures, perfecting the best ones, I'm obsessed I can't stop if you asked me to, something is pulling at my constantly and for once in my life there is nothing in front of me to stop it... like in Donnie Darko (an American psychological thriller-fantasy film as its described) and Jake Gyllenhaal at his sexy young age, sees people's life direction through this vortex that protrudes out of everyone's chest, including his own. It's like gods given path, I feel like I'm following mine...
Star Light Star Bright |
Secret Window |
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus |
Red |
Yellow |
![]() | ||||||||||
I heart Moet |
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Ode to the Fall Leaf
Ode to the Fall Leaves. I'm gone for a weekend and the leaves have already changed colors. I actually love this time of year because the leaves in the Fall on Long Island are magnificent. The neighborhoods are just doused with trees, tree coverings every other street, you feel as though hidden deep on the first layer of a great rich forest. Don't you love your imagination. I love mine. I really do. Me being infatuated with colors the way that I am, I notice the most beautiful fully changed fallen leaf laying so breathlessly in between my two feet, as I stood out of my car. I picked it up and it was as if it was filled with some magical light and it gave birth to all these ideas all at once through my finger tips on a nonstop route to my brain. I knew I had to get to work.
I have discovered that I like turning the camera on myself. It actually is something that most photographers refuse to do. So I figure, let's walk in the direction where all else fail to go. I got a tripod as a nice little gift from my dad, and when I say gift I mean it's the tripod from an old school video camera made cerca 1965, but it works and it works quite well when photographing myself. It's an interesting feeling, turning the camera on yourself, blindly shooting. People walking by and watching, their expressions blatantly read, what in the sam hill??! Haha more like what the fuck??! I love the feeling, it feels so good so right, I get so lost in my own little sam hill world. In that world, that's where the magic really happens.
SO with the crisp Fall presence on my mind, a single beautiful perfectly changed Fall leaf, my hand dandy tripod, and ME on my mind, this is what happens...
I have discovered that I like turning the camera on myself. It actually is something that most photographers refuse to do. So I figure, let's walk in the direction where all else fail to go. I got a tripod as a nice little gift from my dad, and when I say gift I mean it's the tripod from an old school video camera made cerca 1965, but it works and it works quite well when photographing myself. It's an interesting feeling, turning the camera on yourself, blindly shooting. People walking by and watching, their expressions blatantly read, what in the sam hill??! Haha more like what the fuck??! I love the feeling, it feels so good so right, I get so lost in my own little sam hill world. In that world, that's where the magic really happens.
SO with the crisp Fall presence on my mind, a single beautiful perfectly changed Fall leaf, my hand dandy tripod, and ME on my mind, this is what happens...
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
My Very First SAM HILL
To my very first SAM HILL hanging, I am speechless. It was you who reached out to me, before this blog was even created even a thought, and it was because of you and your interest in my work that initially led me to starting this blog. Hey, if one person wants to buy my photos, why won't more? So I knew from the second you got in touch with me, with your interest in creating a piece of art using my photos, I had to put myself on the internet. And because of you, look how well my blog has prospered! Every adventure has a beginning, and you my friend, were at my side at my very beginning. And to you, I thank you from the deepest part of my heart. You will forever be my very first SAM HILL!
Peace Love & Endless Amounts of Happiness,
From Me to You,
Sam Hill
To my very first SAM HILL hanging, I am speechless. It was you who reached out to me, before this blog was even created even a thought, and it was because of you and your interest in my work that initially led me to starting this blog. Hey, if one person wants to buy my photos, why won't more? So I knew from the second you got in touch with me, with your interest in creating a piece of art using my photos, I had to put myself on the internet. And because of you, look how well my blog has prospered! Every adventure has a beginning, and you my friend, were at my side at my very beginning. And to you, I thank you from the deepest part of my heart. You will forever be my very first SAM HILL!
Peace Love & Endless Amounts of Happiness,
From Me to You,
Sam Hill
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Lost in a Sea of Love
It's a Saturday morning, and what the fuck am I doing awake? INSOMNIA. Fuck me. Oh well, lets chat...
As I lay here on the most comfortable rug (props to Mel and Co) because I love to lay on the floor, my ipod plays-
Slip inside the eye of your mind, don't you know you might find, a better place to play- OASIS
So I'll start a revolution from my bed, or floor, cause you said the brains I had went to my head, and I realize, YOU have slipped inside the eye of my mind.
Here are some lyrics that just gets me every time-
Then I saw this girl, with the most,
beautiful hair,
she had it,
wrapped around her,
for clothes she did not wear- DISPATCH
I let my music take me where my heart wants to go- CAT STEVENS
Don't question why she needs to be so free,
she'll tell you its the only way to be- ROLLING STONES
Long you live and high you fly, And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry,
And all you touch and all you see, IS ALL YOUR LIFE WILL EVER BE.- PINK FLOYD
I love music.
Was that English?
I'm still drunk.
As I lay here on the most comfortable rug (props to Mel and Co) because I love to lay on the floor, my ipod plays-
Slip inside the eye of your mind, don't you know you might find, a better place to play- OASIS
So I'll start a revolution from my bed, or floor, cause you said the brains I had went to my head, and I realize, YOU have slipped inside the eye of my mind.
Here are some lyrics that just gets me every time-
Then I saw this girl, with the most,
beautiful hair,
she had it,
wrapped around her,
for clothes she did not wear- DISPATCH
I let my music take me where my heart wants to go- CAT STEVENS
Don't question why she needs to be so free,
she'll tell you its the only way to be- ROLLING STONES
Long you live and high you fly, And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry,
And all you touch and all you see, IS ALL YOUR LIFE WILL EVER BE.- PINK FLOYD
I love music.
Was that English?
I'm still drunk.
Friday, October 22, 2010
TGIF to all you hard workers out there!!!
So my critique was PHENOMENAL. Talking about deep aspirations, emotions that have never been uncovered, putting myself out there like an open book for all the read, was so satisfying. I felt so alive, I felt I was exactly where I should be. Conversing with true artists, so much talent in one little room, so much inside to come out and be discovered, and these photographers have been doing this for years, some 30 years, and they still have yet to find hidden talent from within. I raise my hand as the newest comer and explain I've only been shooting for a month, maybe six weeks, with my sheer lack of experience, they were still completely impressed with what I have accomplished in such a short period of time. Astonishment. So impressed, they want ME to create a blog for our little photography society, which when up and running will be open to the public and I will of course share the link so you all can see what other fabulous photographers I am working with. As the critique continued, I sat there with my eyes wide open at the pictures being shown, I could not believe some of what I saw. Sitting next to these people who have years and years of experience under their belts, and I was the one being shown as the example! My photos, my blog, my creations, my inspirations, my mind... pretty fucking sweet if you ask me!
Soo, the whole point of a critique, besides the obvious critiquing, is to help find my distinct path down photography lane. And I can actually say that I am starting to see my yellow brick road forming in front of me. Just as a musician has a very specific path, I'm finding out that photographers are the exact same way. No musician is good at every genre of music and every instrument. Lets take Jimi Hendrix for example because I love everything about him and his music. He is considered to be the greatest electric guitarist in the history of rock music. So in the world of music, Jimi Hendrix, although sick at vocals, bass, drums, keyboard, and percussion, he went down in history for his psychedelic rock music and his electric guitar. What I'm trying to figure out is what's my psychedelic electric guitar? What's my specific path that will make me stand out from everyone else? The two photos that were stopped and stared at, and that are leading me in my direction are these...
I am absolutely obsessed with these photos, they just marry so well. You can see it, I don't have to explain anything at all. It's funny because in taking all the photos I have thus far, which is about 2000, maybe more, I knew in my mind that these two were my best, they go together, I had a vision, its the Male/Female version of the same picture. AMAZING. But to hear that come from other people, other photographers who know what they're actually talking about, told me this is the beginning of my yellow brick road. I felt it. Now my mission, create a third picture. How do you do this? There is no answer. It's a feeling, an emotion, a thought, an idea, it just has to happen. I guess only time will tell where my yellow brick road will lead.......
So my critique was PHENOMENAL. Talking about deep aspirations, emotions that have never been uncovered, putting myself out there like an open book for all the read, was so satisfying. I felt so alive, I felt I was exactly where I should be. Conversing with true artists, so much talent in one little room, so much inside to come out and be discovered, and these photographers have been doing this for years, some 30 years, and they still have yet to find hidden talent from within. I raise my hand as the newest comer and explain I've only been shooting for a month, maybe six weeks, with my sheer lack of experience, they were still completely impressed with what I have accomplished in such a short period of time. Astonishment. So impressed, they want ME to create a blog for our little photography society, which when up and running will be open to the public and I will of course share the link so you all can see what other fabulous photographers I am working with. As the critique continued, I sat there with my eyes wide open at the pictures being shown, I could not believe some of what I saw. Sitting next to these people who have years and years of experience under their belts, and I was the one being shown as the example! My photos, my blog, my creations, my inspirations, my mind... pretty fucking sweet if you ask me!
Soo, the whole point of a critique, besides the obvious critiquing, is to help find my distinct path down photography lane. And I can actually say that I am starting to see my yellow brick road forming in front of me. Just as a musician has a very specific path, I'm finding out that photographers are the exact same way. No musician is good at every genre of music and every instrument. Lets take Jimi Hendrix for example because I love everything about him and his music. He is considered to be the greatest electric guitarist in the history of rock music. So in the world of music, Jimi Hendrix, although sick at vocals, bass, drums, keyboard, and percussion, he went down in history for his psychedelic rock music and his electric guitar. What I'm trying to figure out is what's my psychedelic electric guitar? What's my specific path that will make me stand out from everyone else? The two photos that were stopped and stared at, and that are leading me in my direction are these...
I am absolutely obsessed with these photos, they just marry so well. You can see it, I don't have to explain anything at all. It's funny because in taking all the photos I have thus far, which is about 2000, maybe more, I knew in my mind that these two were my best, they go together, I had a vision, its the Male/Female version of the same picture. AMAZING. But to hear that come from other people, other photographers who know what they're actually talking about, told me this is the beginning of my yellow brick road. I felt it. Now my mission, create a third picture. How do you do this? There is no answer. It's a feeling, an emotion, a thought, an idea, it just has to happen. I guess only time will tell where my yellow brick road will lead.......
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
So I have officially been invited to my very first critique. And it just so happens to be today! The idea of getting up in front of fifteen other photographers, some old some new, some red some blue, some masters, some not, and some who smoke pot, and sharing ten of my most prize photographs, expressing the deep meaning and inspiration behind each one... ready or not here I come! I'm so ready for this.
The hardest part is going to be receiving the critique, but I honestly think I can handle it. I don't even want to think otherwise. Just knowing that well established photographers are going to look at my work and probably tear it to shreds (or not) is absolutely thrilling. You only learn from the best of the best, it can only lead me in the right direction, more connections, more opportunity. If everything fails it will still be a success. So onward we go! Here are my VERY FIRST top ten...
The hardest part is going to be receiving the critique, but I honestly think I can handle it. I don't even want to think otherwise. Just knowing that well established photographers are going to look at my work and probably tear it to shreds (or not) is absolutely thrilling. You only learn from the best of the best, it can only lead me in the right direction, more connections, more opportunity. If everything fails it will still be a success. So onward we go! Here are my VERY FIRST top ten...
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